Lennertz & Co. is an owner-managed family office with a clear focus on the further development and value growth of its clients’ assets.


To this end, our team of more than 30 employees conducts a detailed and ongoing review of the entire family situation, taking into account the legal and tax-related framework conditions.


Our investment recommendations are fully aligned with the clients’ personal preferences. Given our complete independence, the clients are able to fully benefit from our unbiased assessment of global investment opportunities, their selection and their discreet implementation.


As an entrepreneurial family office, we appreciate our clients’ need for quick, profound and safe decisions. Lennertz & Co. has a number of licenses from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin, Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) and is therefore subject to numerous quality and regulatory requirements of both BaFin and the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Family Office

  • Independent overall consideration of the clients’ family, business and financial situation, taking into account the legal and tax-related framework conditions
  • Advice on the strategic (long-term) and tactical (short-term) asset structuring in line with the clients’ preferences
  • Definition of a target structure of the total assets and appropriate implementation measures
  • Definition and discreet implementation of investment opportunities in line with the short-term and long-term target structure of the total assets
  • Independent assessment of investment opportunities based on our experience, external professional resources and expert opinions
  • Selection and coordination of custodian banks, asset managers and advisers based on the defined target structure of the total assets
  • Identification and implementation of direct and indirect investments in both US and European venture capital and growth funds, direct and fund investments in German and European Small- and Mid-cap companies as well as pre-IPO investments
  • Access to exclusive agriculture and forestry investments, infrastructure investments, and movable and property investments
  • Succession planning taking into account tax-related framework conditions
  • Introduction to asset successors
  • Creation of a family governance structure
  • Advice on and establishment of foundations, particularly charitable or family foundations
  • Execution of wills
  • Independent overall consideration of the clients’ family, business and financial situation, taking into account the legal and tax-related framework conditions
  • Advice on the strategic (long-term) and tactical (short-term) asset structuring in line with the clients’ preferences
  • Definition of a target structure of the total assets and appropriate implementation measures
Asset Development
and Growth
  • Definition and discreet implementation of investment opportunities in line with the short-term and long-term target structure of the total assets
  • Independent assessment of investment opportunities based on our experience, external professional resources and expert opinions
  • Selection and coordination of custodian banks, asset managers and advisers based on the defined target structure of the total assets
  • Identification and implementation of direct and indirect investments in both US and European venture capital and growth funds, direct and fund investments in German and European Small- and Mid-cap companies as well as pre-IPO investments
  • Access to exclusive agriculture and forestry investments, infrastructure investments, and movable and property investments
Asset Transition
  • Succession planning taking into account tax-related framework conditions
  • Introduction to asset successors
  • Creation of a family governance structure
  • Advice on and establishment of foundations, particularly charitable or family foundations
  • Execution of wills

Entrepreneurial Investing

Since the foundation of Lennertz & Co., entrepreneurial investing has been at the heart of our investment philosophy, and the selection of the best investment opportunities in the field of private equity and venture capital (PE/VC) has been one of our focal points. Over the years, this has given rise to our own alternative investment platform, today's Lennertz & Co. Capital GmbH. In addition to a broad range of investment opportunities of the private markets, its offering also includes advice on corresponding PE/VC portfolios, managed accounts, and advanced reporting.


Access to the top addresses in the private equity and venture capital industry in Europe and especially in the U.S. is crucial. Our exclusive access is due to years of cultivating relationships as well as the acquisition of BPE Fund Investors in 2020, which has been investing in top VC funds in the U.S. since 2002. We also have our own team for the administration of PE/VC investments, which enables us to provide the highest degree of service around capital investment in PE/VC funds and direct investments.


Overall, the platform includes investment opportunities in Private Equity (Europe and the US), Venture Capital (Europe and the US), Blockchain Venture (global), Impact Investing (global) and Real Estate (DACH region). We make the aforementioned investment areas accessible in various ways – as funds of funds, via SPVs (individual funds) and direct investments.


To provide these services, Lennertz & Co. Capital GmbH is structured as a capital management company according to § XYZ and, as such, is subject to numerous qualitative and quantitative requirements of both BaFin and Deutsche Bundesbank.


To provide these services, Lennertz & Co. Capital GmbH is licensed as a capital management company pursuant to Section 20 (1) in conjunction with Section 22 of the German Investment Code (“Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch”) and as such is subject to numerous qualitative and quantitative requirements of both BaFin and the Deutsche Bundesbank.


Lennertz & Co.

Lennertz & Co. Appoints Head of Family Office

The owner-managed family office Lennertz & Co. has appointed Achim Uebele, a recognized expert in strategic consulting for wealthy clients, single-family offices, and foundations. The 55-year-old will assume the position of Head of Family Office at Lennertz & Co.

Achim Uebele began his career at Commerz Finanz Management, a former subsidiary of Commerzbank, and then moved to UBS Switzerland's Wealth Management in Zurich and St. Gallen from 2005 to 2011. He subsequently became the branch manager for the German multi-family office Five Minds AG in Switzerland. In 2013, he moved to Hamburg as a Senior Family Officer for the multi-family office Kontora, where he primarily worked in strategic consulting for large families and foundations.

Other career stations include leading the newly opened Hamburg office of the asset manager Feri in 2019, and from mid-2020, serving as CFO at the startup Tegus Medical. Since July, the graduate economist and EBS financial economist has been the Head of Family Office at Lennertz & Co.

"Achim Uebele joins our team as an experienced Senior Family Officer, bringing over 30 years of experience in advising wealthy entrepreneurial families and the necessary expertise in financial planning as an EBS financial economist and long-time Certified Financial Planner," says Philipp Lennertz, managing partner of Lennertz & Co.


About Lennertz & Co.

As an entrepreneurial, owner-managed family office, Lennertz & Co. is fully focused on the success of its clients’ investments. Our investment recommendations are in line with the personal preferences of clients, who benefit from the independence of Lennertz & Co. and the exclusive nature of its investment opportunities.

Lennertz & Co. also has a large number of permits from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, BaFin) and thus fulfills the numerous qualitative and quantitative requirements of both the BaFin and the German Federal Bank (Bundesbank).

Lennertz & Co. shares the demand of its clients for fast, well-founded, and confident decision-making. On behalf of clients, the expert team at Lennertz & Co. – which can point to decades of experience – carefully reviews opportunities as they emerge in the segments of venture and growth capital, private equity, and blockchain. Moreover, the company’s advisory board is staffed by reputable specialists in the fields of industry, venture capital and private equity, including Prof. Dr. Heinrich von Pierer, Prof. Dr. Klaus Wucherer, Prof. Dr. Klaus Trützschler, Stefan Theis, Daniel Thung, Daniel Milleg, and Florian Heinemann.

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„Blockchain equity funds are struggling“

Martin Hock, financial journalist for the renowned „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ (FAZ), writes in the article „Blockchain Equity Funds Are Struggling“ about the underlying blockchain technology and its significant role over the past decade.

Hock explores blockchain applications, from automation via smart contracts to asset tokenization, and discusses this with our Head of Fund Investments, Oksana Tiedt. She explains why blockchain investments are so complex and emphasizes the importance of selecting the right venture fund managers to invest in blockchain technology and its enormous potential.

The FAZ article (in German) offers an exciting insight into the future and challenges of this revolutionary technology.

Article by Dr. Martin Hock, first published on May 21, 2024, on faz.net, © All rights reserved. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH, Frankfurt. Provided by Frankfurter Allgemeine Archiv

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Lennertz & Co. Family Office GmbH
Düsternstraße 10
20355 Hamburg

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Data Protection Policy


Information according to § 5 TMG:

Lennertz & Co. GmbH
Düsternstraße 10
20355 Hamburg

Represented by:

Philipp Lennertz, Oliver Piworus


Tel: +49 40 210 91 33-20
Fax: +49 40 210 91 33-21
Email: info@lennertz.com

For Lennertz & Co. GmbH (Family Office):

Register entry:

Office: Hamburg
Register number: HRB 176714


VAT Identification Number in accordance with §27a Value Added Tax Act:
DE 255 807 053

Supervisory authority:

Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht)
Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28
60439 Frankfurt

For Lennertz & Co. Capital GmbH (Alternative Investment Platform):

Register entry:

Office: Hamburg
Register number: HRB 137568


VAT Identification Number in accordance with §27a Value Added Tax Act:
DE 255 807 053

Supervisory authority:

Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht)
Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28
60439 Frankfurt

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